Luxury Perfume & Cologne Darwin

Luxury perfume & cologne manufacturer for Darwin

Luxury fragrances inspired by Argentine Tango for Darwin

Momentos is an Australian perfume manufacturer that has sought the expertise of the finest of Parisian 'noses' and perfumery traditions, to create a natural, crisp, dry, luxury perfume for women and cologne for men in Darwin. Our fragrance-inspiration, however, extended far beyond European borders: our quest for passion, partnership and erotic sensuality took us to the barrios and back streets of Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires is the birthplace of Argentine Tango, the dance and music synonymous with classic elegance, chiseled beauty and elevated partnership connection. Black Tango, our premium men’s designer cologne for true gentlemen, and Tango Red, the luxury fragrance for women who are unafraid of feminine power, are Argentine Tango. Black Tango and Tango Red are vibrant, multi-layered, evening fragrances that make no apology for their love of life and the deep, intimate love experience that they promise to deliver.

Tango Red & Black Tango: the ultimate luxury perfume set

Black Tango and Tango Red simmer and sizzle with unmistakable Latin passion. Momentos has taken the time to build chords, melodies and harmonic cadences in a way that enlivens the full, rich partnership experience. By converting the actual music of Argentine Tango into fragrance, we designed our men's cologne and women's high-end natural fragrance as a pair so that more layers, emotional complexity and fragrant excellence is discovered and rediscovered again and again. This entire luxury perfume design process has not only created two stand-alone luxury fragrances for Darwin, but also a unique partnership. Momentos proudly presents Tango Red and Black Tango alongside each other in a sleek, black monogrammed jewelry box that will take pride of place in the perfume libraries of couples and lovers of the world's finest fragrances.

Natural perfumes with therapeutic benefits for Darwin

By working with French perfumers, honouring their age-old traditions and selecting the right vintages and harvests of essential oils, Momentos has proved that it is possible to create luxury fragrances that are natural. This means that Black Tango and Tango Red offer therapeutic or emotional benefit to Darwin lovers of fine & long lasting perfumes. Our designer perfumes for women and colognes for men ground and balance mood while enhancing partnership receptivity and connection. Both of our Tango signature scents- just like the Tango- stand the test of time. Perfume lovers can revel in these sultry, sensual evening fragrances all night long.

Black Tango is a smoky, sultry natural cologne for gentlemen who not only care about their own presentation, but who also care about their partner's pleasure. This smoked caramel, orange blossom and red mahogany-infused fragrance has South American balsamic undertones and pinpointed jasmine allure. It entices Tango Red that exudes a sweet citrus tease to gently release an intoxicating rose-jasmine mystery. Tango Red is calm in her wisdom gained and grounded by South American forest tapestries. Black Tango and Tango Red are here and ready to take the floor. This is where perfume dances, and luxury has never felt so good.

Partner with us for exclusive designer perfume sales in Darwin

Momentos serves the people of Darwin through online sales but also offers wholesale perfume opportunities. Momentos would love to discuss customised marketing opportunities for Darwin. Black Tango and Tango Red are not only branded, luxury fragrances that appeal to traditional perfume lovers and markets, but also to those concerned with environmental sustainability and who value the emotional benefits that come from natural therapies.

As a leading perfume manufacturer, Momentos is actively seeking wholesale perfume partners in Darwin who are not only committed to bringing Australian-made, luxury perfume and designer cologne to our own cities and stores, but who see the potential for Australian-made designer perfumes to make an impact world-wide. Please contact Momentos for further sale opportunities.