Le Dulce is caramel-rich, silky smooth
A languid, lurid story-teller, is he
Light, heavy? No- he is somewhere in-between and seems
Steady-smooth. An anchor that keeps boats safe, bound to the shore-
Listen to his stories told with loose weave, they dangle dangerously with deceit
Love he treats like a tidal wave- a threat
That needs to be controlled. He seeks
To tame, to shame her. Lurking, biding his precious time.
Le Dulce is not an anchor, or protector
He is a dark knight, a masked predator
A sailor who coos the cove,
Woos the cove, his gracious smiling host
She-cove. Innocent of the danger lurking, seeking
A safe inlet. Cove
Welcomes day break and invites the dark ashore
He beckons her permission to dock.
Sailors are strangers to landfall,
Estranged, content to be adrift at sea.
Le Dulce knows when it is time to leave
It’s in the wind, says he. And makes his way-
A getaway. He raises the anchor and
Cuts. Through the choppy seas
Braces the waves and bolts.
He makes his escape.
She is a cove and cannot move
But avows now, to both wind and sea
Le Dulce will never again dock upon her shoreline.
Cove does not watch him leave or bid him farewell
She had licked the caramel spoon
Tickled by the sweet, aftertaste he gave. She smiles, she shrugs
Loud enough. This time, to warn other coves on his conquest map,
He has gone.
The rumours had all been true, as true as Le Dulce
Was not. ‘Too smooth’- the whisper of the wind foretold,
Forewarned. But Cove had been groomed.
She looks afar now, in both distance and time
And knows there may be times,
Called, to throw caution to the wind
To surrender. Shaped by the wind that blows and she now
Knows how, to brace and stand tall.
She lets disappointment fall free
Well, she believes, for coves cannot look back.
Le Dulce teamed with adolescent ego
Is now far gone. At the mercy of the sea, he lays low, biding precious time,
Seducing fate. One lonely day he will become
A victim, of his own sweet smelling trickery
Sea-salt spray sharpens, and swells to swallow
This man who only ever believed, in he.
A true sailor believes in the power of the sea
Le Dulce licks molten caramel from his own spoon and believes his own
Lies. A pattern, a path that never changes
Feeding off deceit, believing that the power of the sea
Is his own. He is living, on precious time.
Meanwhile, Cove has no illusions.
True love, now exposed and
Will, one day, invite love’s light ashore.