Powerful Elegance in a Bottle: Unveiling Australia's Finest Premium
Momentos has bottled Argentine Tango. Think Tango- she is elegant, powerful and sensual: that is Tango Red, our signature scent for women. Elegance is not achieved in a single moment- it is an entire story that captivates and compels. Elegance holds you with complex layers that lure, tease and reinvent. The power of elegance is that its seductive mystery is so seamless - it looks simple.

Black Tango and Tango Red is a Story of Elegance
Tango Red walks with deliberate poise and purpose into the spotlight, for this is her moment and she is ready to be noticed. Black Tango, our signature scent for men, waits for her with slient longing and meets her with a softened gaze. Black Tango offers his hand for their inevitable embrace, knowing that his appeal extends way beyond a mere outstretched hand. Elegance has a mature patience that respects love. Step back and behold: Black Tango and Tango Red are powerful, elegant fragrances that open the heart to love.
Our elegant Tango signature scents were created side-by-side so that our natural men's cologne and natural women's perfume resonate and lift each other. We have pinpointed exquisite natural ingredients and specific harvests of essential oils to create two fragrances that partner-balance and deepen sensual communication. Partners can truly melt into the magic of Argentine Tango and enrich their own love stories.

Buy Black Tango Cologne for Men! Buy Red Tango Cologne for Women!
Natural Perfume Melbourne
The Momentos story.
It may sound unlikely that Argentine Tango was converted into natural perfume in Melbourne, Australia, but let's take it step-by-step The building block of original and exquisite fragrance-creation is music. Momentos wanted to create natural perfumes and colognes that have smooth and confident sensuality- look no further than Argentine Tango. Naturally and methodically, we converted Argentine Tango music into perfume and cologne.
Usually, perfumers select scents and structure a cord by hearing and organising the notes and sound waves.When a blend or fragrance is created, the great 'noses' test the fragrance for harmony, balance and longevity. But Momentos knows Tango, essential oils and music and inverted and reinvented the entire perfume-creation process. Tango music has complex emotional layers and brings with it elegant and powerful storylines, phrases, timing and tone. We converted that music into fragrance- and bottled it.
The French Connection
Go where the journey takes you.
Our vision was to create luxurious & premium fragrances from essential oils which presented great technical challenges that modern, French perfumers are uniquely equipped to resolve. In our fragrance-development stage, our blends were presented to finest Parisian 'noses' for meticulous refinement.
The French connection was quintessential for four main reasons:
- French perfumers have centuries of technical know-how. We know that even their artistic grace has added elegance to our fragrance-creation process and product outcomes.
- We needed a heightened sense-of-style and exquisite refinement that only masters can provide: the technical challenge was how to make essential oils soluble. Our vision was to create natural, therapeudic fragrances with crisp, dry textures synomonous with high-end, luxury perfumes and colognes.
- We needed access to both high-quality, specific South American essential oils and exact vintages or variants of essential oils from the aromatic libraries of Europe to achieve perfume-cologne balance. Resonance is a precise dynamic.
- Classic style is in the detail.
To place ourselves on the right side of history, we sought French collaboration so that natural perfume in Melbourne evolves and makes a place for itself in the perfume industry. Momentos is grateful to be able to stand with Parisan perfumers, technicans and artisans. We are a perfume supplier of Australia that welcomes global collaboration.
Premium Perfume Online

The story of Black Tango and Tango Red story crosses continents and countries, and connects city centres and cultures. Melbourne, Australia, is a city known for her natural and energetic therapies industries; Buenos Aires, birthplace of Argentine Tango, is famous for her passion; and there is Paris- the 'City of Love' synomonous with perfume and the language of fragrance. Momentos has brought these cityscapes together and sells premium perfume online to give consumers worldwide access to affordable, luxury fragrances.
Perfume Supplier Australia
Momentos is a perfume supplier in Australia that can contribute to the ever-evolving world of fragrance. This is a story being written: Momentos knows how to turn music into scent and we understand the importance of using natural products (i.e., essential oils) for therapeudic benefit and sustainable perfume-creation. Momentos is the sister company of Jamie Natural Health and Healing, an Australian company which has been making original natural body, face and family-care products for nearly 30 years. 'Natural' is our lifeblood and gift to the world. Momentos is here to stay and has a mission to accomplish.
Pulling it All Together
The story so far- a recap.
- Tango Red and Black Tango are natural. That should speak for itself, but 'natural' means connection with the natural world. 'Natural' ensures that there is therapeudic value to each and every product we create.
- Black Tango and Tango Red are crisp, dry, evening scents that appeal to urban sophisicants who cherish the elegance, style and 'feel' of French and European high-end fragrance brands.
- Concieved as a pair, our Tango signature scents heighten and deepen partner communication: you can now live, breathe and believe in ' the language of love'.
- Made from the music of Argentine Tango, Tango Red natural women's perfume and Black Tango natural men's cologne exude quintessential elegance and exotic sensuality.
We've bottled the best of the best, premium perfume online.